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rc257 greenwaystart com

  1. “STC” Build guide, free plans, and videos! - Page 256 - RC Groups

    My favorites: Komodo 2204-17 motor www.strongrcmotors.com 8-4 GWS prop Komodo 12A ESC www.strongrcmotors.com HXT900 servos-- Hobby city Spektrum DX6i radio-- Todds models Any brand LiPo 2S 800 to 1000 mAh 10C or better.

  2. “STC” Build guide, free plans, and videos! - Page 260 - RC Groups

    IT FLIES! IT FLIES! After waiting AGES for some free time and a calm day (that never seem ot happen at the same time!) I maidened the KF-winged STC...

  3. “STC” Build guide, free plans, and videos! - Page 266 - RC Groups

    Thanks Waterdog and everyone else here. Here's the video of the maiden:- https://www.rcgroups.com/forums/show...mentid=2215703.

  4. “STC” Build guide, free plans, and videos! - Page 267 - RC Groups

    Waterdog hasn't logged on since Oct. 30th. I did a "whois" search of the website http://www.tornlogic.com/ and it shows that it's still valid.

  5. Mome?t ??? c?emk?. · GTASnP.com

    Zero RC Shop. Wang Auto. Los Santos Safe Houses.

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